Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sheraton blog

I'm between interviews at this job fair, day 2. It's much busier today, but still there are open computers. Cool.

Job fairs suck, by the way. The commuter train I took in this morning was so packed I had to stand just inside the car, and I could raise my hands because we were so packed (I wanted to 'raise the roof,' of course, but my dance moves were thwarted). It was a bit too much like a cattle car on its way to a meat market.

Fortunately, my styling new orange shirt and orange tie (thank you gift cards) were too cool to be flustered.

My first interview was with a school that had a one-year fellowship for new teachers. I'm not a new teacher. He read my resume and didn't realize the part where it said "I TAUGHT FOR ONE YEAR YOU IDIOT FROM A SUPPOSEDLY HIGHLY PRESITGIOUS SCHOOL." I should have used bold or Palatino.

Then I had a great interview with a school I'd like to work at in Maryland. I have a second interview with them tomorrow with the Mrs. (my Mrs.) and the head honcho (their head honcho).

I just came from an int. with a very cool school that I think had just all but offered the position to the person before me. Suckfest.

I have three more scheduled this afternoon and a few tomorrow. I still have about 75 schools who haven't responded to my notes from yesterday. And the good MD interview was one who sought me out (using their own special note paper). Go figure. I also got a note: "I'm meeting with Michelle tomorrow. Would you like to sit in with us?" No name, no school, not even a wax seal.

Ok, I realized yesterday that there's a BN adjacent to this hotel (in the Pru mall, a mall for rich people and homeless people, together at last). I'm going to use my discount on some hot chocolate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be sure to get that spinach out of your teeth. Maybe stay away from the hors d' horves counter.

Oh, and you shouldn't HUM when the interviewer is asking you questions. No matter how good the song in your head is. It suggests that you aren't really listening.

8:49 AM  
Blogger Rainster said...

Those are always really good places to observe people's behavior patterns. Sometimes you look like a weirdo, sitting there people-watching. But it's fun.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Torgo said...

I probably shouldn't have brought my nail clippers.

Also, the shredder and the credit card solicitations -- the noise was distracting.

But today I DID remember to put my pants on before the interview, not during or after.

1:54 PM  

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