Radio Free Torgo
Ok, I've been working on the computer for about an hour now, and when I started, I started up iTunes with R.E.M., a playlist with 98 R.E.M. songs. I put it on shuffle, starting at the first song from the first album, "Radio Free Europe."
Every once in a while, I thought, "Wow, it keeps playing early stuff, I like the early stuff, so that's cool." I had the volume low b/c the baby's sleeping. Then, just now, I realized I had it on repeat, so I'd listened to "Radio Free Europe" 19 times.
This brings up one big point: a lot of the first album, "Murmur" sounds the same. It's great, but the sound is this low, quiet, um, murmur. The other big point: when I get into writing (which is what I was doing, working on essays), I lose all perception of what's going on around me.
I normally have my music player set to shuffle. Last week on the bus, I noticed that it was playing all techno. So then I tried to work out what the odds were it would randomly shuffle fast beats in a row like that. I was having my own personal little jam session and trying to work out the math. And then when I got to work I realized I'd had it set to my dance playlist, which I'd just creaetd to wake myself up on the morning commute.
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