Thursday, April 12, 2007

Interracial Marriages Surge

This article is interesting.

One point I think about often, thought it's just lightly addressed in the article, is how children of interracial relationships used to be classified. My son would certainly be considered black, well within the one-drop rule.

But I feel like we're culturally moving beyond that. It's still an issue for many, even in super-liberal SF, but broadly speaking, I think it's growing less relevant.

The article notes Obama and Tiger Woods (I'd add Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey). But all of those people are identified as black, even though they're half or less black. So maybe I'm wrong.


Blogger Xtina said...

i was thinking about this just this morning, in fact, when i was looking at some pictures that dubie sent me of his kid.

i've been to 6 weddings (as an adult) and all but 2 of them have been interracial. which is kind of incredible, actually.

in other news, Smut Eye is a fabulous name for a town.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Rainster said...

I think it's changing too, but still slowly. And almost not at all in the media!

The article focused largely on parents in interracial marriages -- the flip side is the kids' very different perspectives and separate set of social and cultural issues.

Speaking of Obama, in his autobiography (which is great, btw) it's fascinating how he illustrates the progression in his racial identity.

4:08 PM  

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