Friday, March 23, 2007

Movie Review: Curious George

Curious George: Torgo approves

So the little man had to go for a little operation yesterday, which meant that when we got home, it was a day for peaceful kid's movie watching. He doesn't watch much tv, but it can be one of the few things to make him sit quietly, which we needed him to do.

So aside from "Shrek," which we own and, speaking for the adults, had seen, we watched the "Curious George" movie. The boy loves that monkey.

When he was small(er), we got some of the original George books from the library. Wow, they're offensive. It's your typical "noble white man saves poor, ignorant creature from wilds of dark, dark Africa" story. It's overtly, horribly racist.

They managed to keep much of the story intact and lose most of the racism factor here. George follows the man onto his boat, he isn't "rescued." There is still a plot involving cultural pillaging, but it's less offensive than pretty much any Disney movie.

Will Ferrell plays the man in the yellow hat well. Drew Barrymore plays an excessively flirtatious, um, flirt -- that was weird, that's all she does in the movie. She shows up and flirts. Dick Van Dyke gets work as the museum owner. And David Cross is his maniacal son. (sidenote: what an odd world it'd be if David Cross was Dick Van Dyke's son. That's kind of like Johnny Knoxville being Bob Newhart's son.)

It's an entertaining little movie. I find something about George's endless mischief-making annoying, especially as he never learns anything. But it's amusing.


Blogger Rainster said...

Is the little dude okay?

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you recognize the cultural pillaging, but I think you let it off too easily. The natives don't just allow the white guy to make off with their artifact, they help him. What, because they don't even recognize the value of their own culture? Or maybe they just like to serve white guys in yellow hats?

I'm really amazed that this slipped by American audiences. Could it be because we're so used to "Africa" as being portrayed as just some place where there isn't any culture of note? Notice no specific country was ever mentioned.

Anyway, I know this has been out for two years, and I'm probably over analyzing it. I just wanted to thank you for being the one person who saw the cultural pillaging aspect of the movie and throw my two cents in somewhere.

5:40 PM  

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