Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WTF moment: Song of the South

WTF moment for today, from this article on Disney rereleasing "Song of the South":

"Older audiences probably would have more of a connection with the stereotypes, which were considered harmless at the time."

Harmless? By whom? "You know, Strom Thurmond really didn't have a problem with these stereotypes. He was always saying that if we'd had more movies like 'Song of the South,' we wouldn't have all these problems we have today."


Blogger Rainster said...

My laugh-out-loud moment when reading the article was the guy with the online petition who said "Steretypes did exist onscreen," as if they still don't today and don't influence anyone's perceptions. Gee, I didn't know racism was just a collector's item!

12:22 PM  
Blogger Torgo said...

Isn't it weird to be a collector of something like this, but not in a "Bamboozled," ironic way?

12:45 PM  

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