Friday, February 16, 2007

Clearly not a wino

Some landlords are never around. Some try to pawn off kittens on their tenants. Some mysteriously disappear in a cloud of uncertainty, only to be replaced by the mega-corp that owns the building.

I've had all of these landlords.

Our current landlord gave us a Christmas gift: a bottle of wine. I would've liked $500 or $1000 or $1500 off our rent for a month, but we'll take what we can get.

However, because a certain someone is with child and a certain other someone is a child, the bottle has sat unopened in our barren wine rack for 2 months. I won't open a bottle to drink on my own. Well, no, no, I won't.

We had company yesterday, so we opened it up. Turns out, it's a port wine, aka a dessert wine. I've had a lot of wine, most of it under $10/bottle, but somehow I've never had a bottle of dessert wine.

Dessert wine is very sweet. It's not really something I found I could drink more than one glass of. But it's good. And it's the first time I've ever had a landlord give a gift. So that's nice.


Blogger Rainster said...

Port goes really well with dessert. Especially chocolate! I found this out last Easter.

9:22 AM  

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