Number 2
In case you don't read M-N's blog, we're currently expecting baby number 2.
We went for the first ultrasound this morning and learned that baby number 2 is boy number 2.
There are lots of possible responses to this news. First, there was some general disappointment over how outnumbered, gender-wise, M-N is going to be in the home. Also, she was looking forward to tea parties and cute dresses. But, while little girls' clothes are far cuter than little boys' clothes, we already have a ton of little boys' clothes, so at least we don't need a new wardrobe. There are even clothes that boy 1 outgrew before getting a chance to wear them. Plus, we think boy 1 will like having another boy to play with, even though he gets along very well with girls (especially his main girlfriend).
As an added bonus, we more or less know what to do with a boy, whereas I, for one, don't have any clue what to do with a girl. Granted, everyone everywhere always says that each child is dramatically different from the last, but I'm at least familiar with the basic anatomy and how it functions.
Now we just need a name, other than Number 2.
Congrats again. When's the due date?
2 baby families rock. but boys can have tea parties too -- it will probably make him more well-rounded.
Jiro, Kenji, and Manu all mean second born son. Achlee means brother of mine. Broderick, Bubba, Shilah, and Jermaine all mean brother. Hiram means exalted brother, but you may not want to set that precedent.
i may or may not have too much fun searching for baby name meanings online, which may or may not make me a dork.
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