Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Made in China?

Rainster sent me a note about this:

Adidas is marketing a blatantly racist new shoe. It has a stereotypical Asian face with slanted eyes, buck teeth and a bowl haircut. It's part of their "Yellow Series."

The Adidas site with pictures is here.

I don't get how this shoe is even being made. I thought it was a joke at first, but no, Adidas just seems to be shameless. I'm trying to picture the meeting where this shoe was approved. What ideas did they reject?


Blogger Rainster said...

Yeah, I was skeptical until I went to the Adidas website instead of the press link, and sure enough, followed the links through their "Adicolor" series (white, red, pink, yellow, black, and few more). Except pink (and yellow), which has like Roman numerals or something, all the other shoes have the Adidas logo. That is messed up!

11:07 PM  

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