Birth those babies, Goodbye Eko, I like enchiladas
M-N has been training to be a labor doula and she's currently helping her first mother have a baby. She's been at the hospital for about 9 hours now. I think it's great. Though it does make me wish people had babies on more of a schedule. I caught myself aligning a calculator and the pens on my desk today. I think I was channelling Rainster. Anyway, I hope the baby comes soon, b/c I'm bored.
I did make enchiladas. They were good. They're always good. I usually make enchiladas with beef and refried beans. I'm not sure if that's technically an enchilada. I just like them that way. This time, I didn't have refried beans, so I used black beans. Yeah, I'm bored.
But at least I'm not Mr. Eko, b/c he's dead. Yeah, AAA is dead (I didn't know what AAA meant, but then realized it's the actor's name abbreviated, b/c his actual name is incredibly long). In my on-going anti-Lost rant, here are my problems with this week's episode:
1) They kill off the good actors. This is probably b/c those actors can get better roles. Harold Perrineau had a lousy role on Lost, but is a great actor. His character isn't dead, but is just gone. AAA is a good actor too. Libby and Ana Lucia might've been good actors. I don't know. Shannon and Boone? Ok, they weren't good. My theory is flawed. But now I'm reminded of:
2) Nikki and the other new person. What the hell? Are they the new Shannon and Boone? Didn't they kill them off for a reason? Why add characters? Jesus, we're trying to simplify here. Kill off the new people! Save Eko!
3) The black smoke??!!?? That killed Eko? Ok. Fine. But at least use the episode in which the mysterious smoke kills a goddamn major character to explain something, anything about it.
4) Jack. No, wait, actually, I liked Jack's bit in this episode. Benry's now the best actor on the show, so I don't want Jack to kill him, but it'd be kinda neat if he did, though other than Benry, the other Others are bland and uninteresting. He's wanted dead by his former book club? (That was M-N's line, not mine.)
5) Nikki and the other new person. Really. C'mon. What the hell.
6) Major plot inconsistencies. Sayid just showed up this week sans Sun and Jin. Where were they? How quickly did he get back? Did he leave them for the polar bear? How much time passed? Lost seems to follow 24's pattern of real time, so did he transport across the island? Where are Rose and Bernard? Is this point 7?
7) Yes. Where are Rose and Bernard? Not that I like them, but they should watch out. All the actors of color get killed off. Michael. Walt. Eko. Ana Lucia. Rose is next. Why not Hurley? Because that'd be satisfying to watch. Also, all the tailies are being killed. Bernard is the only one left. Except Cindy, who got kidnapped and is apparently going to appear this year. Why? Why the hell not.
8) Jericho. Have you watched Jericho? I tried twice. It's like Lost in Kansas. There was a time when the concept of Jericho would've fascinated me. That time is gone.
9) Survivor. I've kept watching Survivor for some reason. It's actually more satisfying than Lost.
10) John Kerry. John Kerry?! He was 'breaking news' on all day yesterday. How is that news? I voted already, can't I stop having to hear about this damn election? The democrats called me yesterday and I told them I already voted. She asked if I voted for Angelides for governor. I said yes. She said great. I thought, but he's going to lose. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a sexist, racist, wretched human being, and he's going to win. I somehow blame Lost for this.
What was my point? Oh yeah, I'm bored. And enchiladas. Enchiladas are good.
Ah, doesn't a well-aligned desk help you focus?
I actually watched the last 15 minutes of Lost, and got concerned that the weird smoke was some figment of the dude's imagination, which really would have been the figment of the screenwriters' imagination of what a dude from Africa would be imagining, which somehow didn't seem right I think I was over-politicizing it. Especially since I don't really know the show and all the stories.
I've only seen snippets of a couple episodes, but every time I watch a bit, it's weird. Last time I caught a rerun, there was a walkie-talkie or something with a voice recording saying "Ils sont morts! Il sont morts!"
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