Head Cold City
I'm getting over a head cold, one I blame squarely on a school we visited and didn't particularly like. Last night, I realized I couldn't breathe out of my nose. It wasn't just congested and snoggily, it was a complete lack of air flow.
Gross? Maybe. Also, a bit frightening. I'm a big fan of breathing and the prospect of not breathing irked me. Unfortunately, I'd finished off the Nyquil the night before, and all we had was cough syrup (and I didn't have a cough) and baby medicine. I contemplated taking a big dose of baby medicine, but didn't, b/c he has the same cold, and I don't want to pilfer his stash.
Then, at about midnight, I remembered we had some nasal spray. I hate nasal spray. I had prescription spray once, for allergies, and it was incredibly gross. You spray it up your nose, then it all comes dripping back down. The first thing you want to do is blow your nose, but if you do, you'll just blow out all the medicine.
I think they should come up with some sort of drain valve or spigot for allergies and head colds. Think about it. Ok, maybe it's best not to think about it, but I think it'd be a big seller.
Anyway, I sucked it up and took the spray, and I survived the night.
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