Saturday, February 04, 2006

Now you're cooking with Torgo

Somewhere along the line, it became clear that I'd need to expand the culinary repertoire beyond mac and cheese and ramen noodles, so I got into cooking. Then M-N helped me evolve beyond spaghetti and tortellini (notice the continued dependence on pasta).

Yesterday, I ventured into two new territories: breads and soups. Oh, will the excitement ever end? I first made an herb focaccia bread, then a chicken and wild rice soup. Both ended up pretty good, actually. The bread was much easier than I envisioned it would be. The only ingredient I'd never used before was yeast. That's not so hard. The soup was made with stuff I knew: chicken, bacon, broth, scallions, flour, half and half, etc.

The only trick was wild rice. The recipe said you could substitute regular long grain white rice, which we had, but I wanted it to be wild rice, so I went to three grocery stores before finally finding some at Trader Joe's. The Stop & Shops had Uncle Ben's and Zatarain's wild rice, but those were funkified versions. I wanted the real thing.

So, big success. Breads and soups, I no longer fear thee.


Blogger Rainster said...

That's impressive. From pasta, I've branched out to making salads and cooking chicken. A few years ago, my new year's resolution wasn't to learn to cook, it was to "re-evaluate my relationship with food." It lasted bout 2-3 weeks.

11:13 AM  
Blogger Torgo said...

Learning to accept raw meat handling was a major obstacle for me. Once I got cool with raw chicken, doors were opened. Not doors of perception, but doors to cookbooks. Big cookbooks. The kinds with doors.

By the way, the bread and soup? Still good the second day.

12:28 PM  

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