Friday, February 03, 2006

This is not a pipe

I resisted this su doku thing for a long time. But I'm a sucker for logic puzzles. I used to love those logic puzzles where you have to figure out about 5 things about a person, like matching the first and last name, job, car, etc. and you worked off about 6 clues and a grid. Su doku's the same basic game, just without the storyline.

I think it's funny how every su doku puzzle in newspapers has to say "There's no math!" because people freak out at the numbers. Maybe they should make one with little drawing of kittens and clouds in place of the numbers, and then have a disclaimer: "There are no kittens!" That'd confuse people.

But anyway, we were flying back from Arizona, and the seats were three and two, going across the plane. There's a guy in the window seat and we had the two next to him, with the baby. He freaked out when the baby first made a noise and asked the flight attendant to move. So he ended up sitting behind me. The guy next to him was doing su doku puzzles, and they spent the flight in what I term a "Colby conversation" (just b/c I got my fill of them there)-- two assholes trying to out-asshole the other ("I only do the extremely hard puzzles" "I only use a pen" "I do the puzzles while skiing" "I do the puzzles while competing in Olympic skiing events").

That little conversation helped me not want to try su doku for a while, but somehow I got hooked.


Blogger Rainster said...

I loved the LSAT because of the logic games! Those are fun. But I've never played su doku. Maybe I should.

My friend Kate recently also became hooked on it.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Torgo said...

When I took the GRE, I was one point off of a perfect score on the logic section. I didn't do as well on the math, which was a bit embarassing, b/c I had previously taken Calculus and done ok, and this wasn't far from Calculus-level math. But my first A at Colby was a logic class (yeah, easy math credit -- but I sure as hell wasn't taking Calc again).

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost flunked logic, which, if you knew me a little better, would come as no great surprise. The only reason I passed is that I begged--I think that's all I did--the teacher and somehow wore him down (not with my logic, of course.)
The next semester, my friend Dorla took the same class from the same teacher who announced that he'd had a student the previous semester who would have gotten a C if she just hadn't begged so hard for a D!
I guess I'll stick with crossword puzzles.

2:48 PM  

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