Saturday, March 11, 2006

Back to fire

Today it was in the mid-60's, sunny, and just all around pleasant. Despite my intentions last fall to keep my newfound grilling habit going throughout the winter, that never happened. The unanticipated drawback, aside from it being really really cold, was that it got dark at approximately 10 in the morning, thereby making grilling for dinner only possible by artificial light, which can be done, but is less fun.

But today the grill came out. We began with the simplest stuff: hot dogs and italian sausages. But oh, it was good. The season begins anew...


Blogger Rainster said...

Same here! I'm still in Virginia, and it's been in the high 60s/70s, and we thought crashing a friend's BBQ (he was cooking all sorts of cool stuff you described), but then went shopping instead. The sales tax is so much lower than at home....

2:30 PM  

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