Thursday, January 26, 2006

Canada goes right, South American goes left, Palestine goes, well, somewhere else

I guess Canada isn't the place for liberals to flee to if the Republicans continue to dominate in the U.S. Someone tell Alec Baldwin. I think I may go to South America. It's warmer, there are lots of nice beaches, and much of the continent is shifting to the left.

Plus, as a perk, Newsweek had a silly article about how some world leaders, like Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Evo Morales in Bolivia, are going casual, avoiding the suit and tie look. It sounds like casual Friday every day, which is my kind of place.

Of course, the same article mentioned Iran's Ahmadinejad and his "cheap cotton sports coat," and I'm not going to Iran. Also, the article juxtaposed these guys with Jacques Chirac and Bush, saying you naturally picture these guys in a suit and tie. I don't picture Bush in a suit and tie. I picture him on his ranch in Texas clearing brush. Every time I hear he's doing that, which is usually, what, 3 months out of each year, I think to myself, if you knew that ranch had such an excess of brush that needed clearing, why didn't you move somewhere else? Ok, ok, I guess brush grows quickly, but from the pictures I see, and from my brief stop in Texas once, isn't it a desert? Where's this brush coming from? Do they import it? Maybe his parents send it down from Maine. Maybe Cheney grows it in the greenhouse in his secret bunker. Maybe Karl Rove told the brush it had better grow or he'll tell the press it has an illegitimate black child.

Oh, I was intending to write about the Palestinian elections and how the U.S. pushed for these elections, then Press Secretary Scott McLellan said that since Hamas won, the U.S. won't work with them, b/c they're a terrorist organization. That may be true, but then shouldn't the U.S. have manipulated the election? If they didn't want Hamas to win, just say their supporters are felons so they can't vote. That worked in Florida. And Ohio.


Blogger Rainster said...

Maybe the tumbleweeds roll in from Oklahoma.

7:28 PM  

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