Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Me and my profile

When I was an undergrad, I had a Web page where I listed what I thought were the 100 best movies, the best music, etc. In starting up this blog, the profile section looks for favorite movies and books and music. It's weird to return to that type of classification of who I am and what I believe, but in looking over what's there now, compared to movies I used to love, I think it's a fairly accurate assessment. The biggest change since college is that I've lost interest in most of the violent movies I loved then, like the Godfather, Fight Club, and the Usual Suspects. They're good movies, I just don't want the violence anymore.

I feel the same way about "24." I got hooked on the first season, and watched some of the fourth. But it's like watching a Die Hard movie extended over 24 episodes, and it's internal morality is definitely questionable. The show is always resorting to torture and excessive, impulsive violence. I don't want that happening with our government, so then I don't particularly want to see it on TV.


Blogger Rainster said...

I was hooked on the first season too, but I stopped watching it last season. For one, it was rife with stereotypes of Middle Easterners. And it became blatantly partisan: the administration attended Heritage Foundation parties, etc. Also, the gratuitous torture scenes freakily parallelled the real-life DOD's practices. So I stopped watching.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Michelle-Nicholle said...

I have to say that it was interesting at first, but I watched it last week and couldn't help mocking it. It was the same formula from the last two seasons, just different names and people. Geez Jack, get a clue your boss doesn't like you! Speaking of that I heard the most profane conversation about "24" at lunch. Not only was it sexist, "I'm really getting tired of the first lady and her whining", but it was also racist, "I don't know about that black guy." So to sum it all up: It's not my type of show this season. The comments may sound dull at first but in the context of the conversation I had to get up and leave.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Torgo said...

It's a total white man show. Not only is the First Lady this season mentally unstable, but then there's Jack's sort-of girlfriend, who seems to spend the whole show reacting to news about Jack ("Oh, I hope he's ok"). Doesn't she work at CTU? Shouldn't she be out torturing Middle Easterners? Is that what they do?

And yeah, it's completely formulaic. The one episode I saw from this season, where the terrorists take over the airport, was laughably predictable.

1:47 PM  

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