Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Marty vs. Jesus

I am too young to know what Muhammad Ali was like before Parkinson's, other than via old video. But I grew up watching Michael J. Fox on Family Ties and in Back to the Future. Spin City wasn't too bad, either.

So I find the new ad and controversy wherein Fox, more visibly affected than ever by Parkinson's, tries to rally votes for stem-cell research supporters, incredibly compelling.

Of course Rush Limbaugh came out as a horrible human being and accused Fox of acting or being off his meds. That's not surprising. What's more strange are the Republican counter-ads that feature Patricia Heaton (I knew there were new and heretofore unknown reasons to dislike Everybody Loves Raymond) and Mel Gibson's Jesus.

Mel Gibson's Jesus? Ok, so I still haven't seen that movie. But I saw the South Park episode about it and that was enough to convince me to never trust Mel Gibson's Jesus. Especially when he's up against Marty McFly.


Blogger Rainster said...

I agree, the Michael J Fox ad is pretty compelling. It's just really laughable that the Republicans think getting Patricia Heaton and Jim Caviezel is on the same level. Fox's ad works more because he has Parkinson's than because he's a celebrity. They should really find a celebrity with some disease that could be cured by stem-cell research to speak out against it!

Then again, I don't vote in Missouri...

11:27 PM  

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