Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Spelling for simpletons

Pictures are coming. I uploaded to the web, just need to get it to the blog. I tried uploading this morning, but blogger was being fussy.

Elsewhere, I noticed this morning that the word "school" looks as though it's spelled incorrectly when I type it in all caps: SCHOOL. The 'c' and 'h' look misplaced.

Mild dyslexia? Maybe. Caps-lock-phobia? Probably.

A piece on NPR on Sunday talked about words that can't be translated in one word to other languages. English words include poppycock, serendipity, and Spam. Today's challenge is to use those three words somewhat coherently in a sentence (or, more challenging, a haiku -- think about it, serendipity has 5 syllables; if you're writing a syllabic haiku, that could be an entire line, but it's not a word that fits in a haiku. That's both difficult and pointless).

Here's a bad one:

Poppycock morning,
Spam and serendipity
all over my toast.


Blogger Xtina said...

i met my lost love
reaching for the spam
serendipity? poppycock!

3:17 PM  
Blogger Rainster said...

or poppycock fortune told
from Magic 8 Ball

10:03 PM  
Blogger Xtina said...

rainster what about the spam?

12:54 PM  

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