Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Life without a car

After successfully downsizing from 2 cars to 1 before leaving MA, we're now planning on going from 1 to 0 in SF. We just don't seem to need a car. Having lived most of my life either in the suburbs or in rural areas where car = survival, it's weird to think of not owning one.

But I don't drive to work. I couldn't really if I wanted to - there's no parking downtown. We don't have to drive to run errands, go out to eat, go to the park, anything we do. Everything is in our neighborhood.

Plus, there's Zipcar. We've liked the concept of Zipcar for a while, but now, it seems perfect for us. There's a station less than a block from our apt (and many, many more close to my office). That way, should we need a car, we can borrow a Prius by the hour or day.

Our footprint will be smaller, that's the best part. Also, instead of paying insurance on a car we only get in to move for street cleaning, we'll just pay as we go.


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