I'm supposed to be here
This here is yet another time waster, this time using a simple program to determine all sorts of things about yourself, such as "What type of mythological creature are you?" (I'm a pegasus); "What type of movie are you?" (I'm a black comedy -- examples given included Royal Tennenbaums, American Psycho, and Being John Malkovich); and, best of all, "Where does your inner Californian belong?" (I belong in San Francisco).
That last one seems largely based on the simplest of factors: what kind of beach do you like, what kind of job would you like, where do you shop, and what kind of music do you like? I answered it a second time and got San Diego. But seeing as my first time gave me SF, that's pretty cool.
Apparently my inner Californian belongs in SF, too, as well as Amsterdam and Austin, depending on the test. Maybe all my inner selves just like cities with more than one A.
-- The Centaur/martini/Iced coffee/Chariot tarot card
dudes, all of our inner californians are hanging out together, i guess.
--the andy warhol-painted member of the astro crybabies
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