Sunday, July 08, 2007

Prequel, Sequel and Me: Epilogue

No chaos yesterday.

Prequel must have liked having a belly full of cantaloupe. (I can't figure out why. M-N and I both dislike the stuff. But he polished off an entire cantaloupe in a couple of days.) He slept until moments before she got home.

Sequel slept most of the time, getting up about 30 minutes before she got home. While he slept, I had him on my chest, so I didn't want to move much.

I had my laptop, which meant work, mindless surfing, then watching some of Live Earth online.

No one I wanted to see was playing, so I watched some of the Pussycat Dolls. They were terrible. They're a bizarre sight. Aside from the cameraperson who was stationed behind them doing only ass close-ups (and the director often cutting back to that shot), they're lousy dancers. I thought they were burlesque dancers originally. Plus, I'm 99% they lip-synched. So there is no excuse for their awful dancing. They were all out of time and a couple of them looked like they were having seizures, while others just looked bored.

That's my Live Earth report.


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